Future Trends in Radiological Diagnostics: Exploring the Synergy of RPA and Deep Learning Technologies


  • Maria Silva Amazonia State University, Brazil
  • Ahmed Al-Mansouri Amazonia State University, Brazil


Radiological diagnostics play a pivotal role in modern healthcare, aiding in the detection, characterization, and management of various medical conditions. With the advent of robotic process automation (RPA) and deep learning technologies, the landscape of radiological diagnostics is undergoing a profound transformation. This paper explores the synergistic potential of RPA and deep learning in revolutionizing radiological diagnostics. Through a comprehensive review of literature, this paper examines the applications of RPA in automating administrative tasks and workflow processes within radiology departments. Furthermore, it delves into the capabilities of deep learning algorithms in image analysis, interpretation, and decision support. The integration of RPA and deep learning technologies holds promise for enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and productivity in radiological diagnostics. The implications of this synergy on clinical practice, radiologist workflow, and patient outcomes are discussed. Finally, future directions and challenges in harnessing the full potential of RPA and deep learning in radiological diagnostics are explored.





