Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: Addressing Bias, Fairness, and Accountability in Machine Learning


  • Kensuke Nakamura Department of Information Technology, University of Bhutan, Bhutan


The topic "Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: Addressing Bias, Fairness, and Accountability in Machine Learning" explores the ethical challenges that arise with the integration of AI technologies into various aspects of society. It focuses on the issues of bias, which can lead to discriminatory outcomes and reinforce existing inequalities. Fairness in AI is crucial to ensure that machine learning systems make impartial decisions that do not disadvantage any group of individuals. Additionally, accountability in AI systems is essential for establishing responsibility and transparency in their decision-making processes. Addressing these ethical concerns involves developing methodologies to detect and mitigate bias, designing fair algorithms, and implementing robust oversight mechanisms to ensure that AI systems operate within ethical and legal boundaries. The goal is to create AI technologies that not only advance innovation but also uphold core values of justice and equity.





