Evaluating the Effectiveness of Healthcare Information Technology: Insights from Research and Practice


  • Ravi Bommu University of Illinois Springfield, Springfield, USA


The effectiveness of Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) has been a subject of considerable research and practical application in recent years. This abstract provides insights from both research findings and practical experiences into the evaluation of HIT effectiveness. The review begins by outlining the importance of evaluating HIT effectiveness in enhancing patient care, improving operational efficiency, and driving healthcare innovation. It highlights the multifaceted nature of HIT effectiveness, encompassing clinical outcomes, user satisfaction, workflow optimization, and financial performance. Drawing from research studies, the abstract explores various methodologies and metrics used to assess HIT effectiveness, including quantitative measures such as adoption rates, error rates, and cost savings, as well as qualitative assessments such as user perceptions, usability, and workflow impact. Moreover, the abstract delves into real-world examples and case studies of HIT implementation projects, showcasing best practices, success stories, and lessons learned in evaluating HIT effectiveness across different healthcare settings and contexts.





